Monday 7 March 2016


In this post I am going to go through the editing process of out thriller opening Never Look Back.
Here are some shots of our editing;

In this screenshot we were deciding which soundtrack would work best with the live action going on. We wanted a soundtrack that was tense and sounded as if it was meant to be in a thriller and not in a comedy or horror film. That is what we are trying to do in the screen shot above.

In this screenshot we were changing the lighting in the editing because when we filmed the clips they were all filmed in the daylight. Some of the clips we wanted to be in the dark. This was to create a tense and dangerous atmosphere. When something bad is going to happen to someone it seems more realistic happening in the dark than in the light. This is why we were changing the lighting on some of the clips from day to night in the editing. 

In this screenshot we added a sound effect underneath the clip of Alex being dragged by Stacey. This was a sound effect of something being dragged to give a better idea of what was happening to him. Without the sound effect it could have confused some people as to what it was.

In this screenshot we were adding a sound bridge. This was so that we could see the point of view from Alex but also hear his dialogue. If we had have put the two clips next to each other it would have been confusing as the dialogue would have been cut off which is why we had to put one clip on top and one clip underneath. 

In this screenshot we were adding the title of the film. We tried different styles for our title but we made the decision that this one looked the best. We added the title at the end of the film, this is because we had the opening of the film and then after the title the rest of the film would start, we thought it looked better at the end than in the middle. 

In this screenshot we added inputs and outputs so we could dip the sound whenever we needed to as the background noise was either too loud or didn't sound right with the soundtrack playing in the background so we had to adjust the sound of the clip in some parts.

In this screenshot we were adding the titles over the live action. We had to decide where to put them and what colour to have them. This is because we needed a colour that would stand out in the scene as the action in the background was moving. For example, if we had white titles that moved onto a white background then it wouldn't look right and you would be able to see them so we had to make sure the titles went perfectly with the live action in the background. 

In this screenshot we were editing the flashback scene. We added in a transaction between the flashback scene and the scene before that. We added a flashing transaction so that the audience knows it is a flashback scene and they didn't get confused. 

My next post will be the title and ident construction.