Monday 30 November 2015

Film Pitch, Feedback & Evaluation of Feedback

For this part of our task we had to create a pitch for our thriller opening. Here are some of the things we had to include;

  • The narrative of our thriller opening.
  • Whether we are challenging any conventions.
  • The age range of our target audience.
  • Information about what we would like our target audience to be.
  • The tensions in our thriller (What is the tension? What sparks the tension?)
  • Who the two characters are and the relationship between the two characters.
Below I am going to embed a video of our pitch. At the end of the pitch we had a few questions to answer about our thriller.


The first question we got asked was "if Alex sees Stacey go into the house, then why does Alex just randomly pass out?" Alex is unaware what is going on around him as he so fixated on the person going into the house. For all Alex knows it could be Stacey behind him or could be someone completely different. The person walking into the house might not be Stacey he might have got his wires crossed along the way. It gets the audience thinking "who was that?" what's going to happen next?"

The second question we were asked was "what are the conventions you are portraying in your thriller?" The conventions we have decided on in our thriller is that Stacey is going to end up kidnapping Alex. In this part of our thriller we will be challenging the social conventions of a typical thriller as stereotypically the boy kidnaps the girl but in our thriller it is the other way around where the girl kidnaps the boy.

The next question we got asked was "I thought Alex and Stacey were friends?" Alex and Stacey are friends in our thriller. However, because Alex finds out what Stacey's dad did to her, he threatens to tell someone about it. Stacey doesn't want anyone to know about it so se does whatever it takes to stop Alex from telling someone, that is why she kidnaps him.

The next question was "where is Alex going to be tied up?" Alex is going to be tied up in a dark place in the school somewhere like the theatre. The theatre is a good place for Alex to be tied up because there are black curtains all the way around the theatre which we could use to create a dark and tense atmosphere. We could then also use the 3 point lighting to create an interrogation kind of atmosphere.

The next question was "you mentioned something about abuse, that might be a bit risky". We aren't actually going to completely show Stacey getting abused. All we will see is Stacey cowering in a corner and her dad shouting at her. We will then see her dad raise his hand to her and then it will cut to Stacey almost snapping back into reality like the thought of her dad going to hit her made her feel it in real life.

The next thing that was mentioned was that the target audience is a bit small. To fix this instead of having our target audience between 15 and 17, our target audience is now 15+ so that now our audience is a wider variety and range of people and not just a select few people.

The next question was "how are you going to show that it is a flashback?" We were going to use a white flash in the editing to show that one of the characters is having a flashback, going into a grey kind of picture of the flashback. We will also use sound effects. Also with some of the violence we are going to show we will use slow motion and then when the hand is raised it could cut back to her being consciously back in the room.

My next post will be the treatment.