Monday 23 November 2015

Show me, don't tell me

For our main task we have to add sound effects and soundtracks to our film opening so to practice this we created a short film.
For this task we had to create a short film. This was called Show me, don't tell me.
We had to work in groups of 4 which was specified in the OCR specification. In our groups of 4 we had to create a short film of two people playing a game. We then had to include cutaway shots and match on action shots etc. In the editing we had to include several sound effects to make our short film more interesting and cause tension for the people watching. This film didn't include any dialogue at all.

Below is a quote from Anton Chekhov that represents what the show me, don't tell me task was all about:

"Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass - Anton Chekhov"

In our task we had to include; Match on action shots, shot/reverse shots, cutaway shots, a two shot, an establishing shot, cross cutting (in a different location), insert shot, appropriate camera movements, appropriate camera shots, sound effects, soundtracks and basic titles and credits.

The things we could't include was; dialogue, footage from inside the toilets and camera zooms.

Below i am going to embed our show me, don't tell me final film. Have a look and see if you enjoy.

For this task we had a total of 2 hours to film our short film. Here is how we planned on doing it;

Planning and storyboard: 8.50 - 9.25 
Shooting on location: 9.25 - 10.10
Editing: 10.10 - 10.50
Exhibit: 10.50 - 10.55

Even though we tried to follow this time. We found it quite difficult to do everything withing the 2 hour time slot. We therefore had to do some filming and editing in our free time.
If i were to redo this show me, don't tell me task I would do some things differently here are the things I would change; don't waste the space in the shot, less continuity errors, check the location and surroundings before filming, make the shots match up in the editing, make sure if I include a cutaway shot it makes sense when I cut back.

Below is the feedback from my teachers on my show me, don't tell me film.

A lot of the improvements I picked up on my teacher picked up on as well. This was just a practice for our main product so i'm sure it will be much better.

In my next post I will introduce the production name and logo for our main product.