Tuesday 8 December 2015

Costume Research

As part of our research we have to look at the different costumes that our characters are wearing. This is a very important aspect when creating a film as the character's costumes represent their character's personality in the film. It represents the type of person they are and it says a lot about them as a person.

Our First Character

Alex - Played by Kyle Scale

Scene 1 - School Drama Studio - Drama Rehearsal

The first time we see Alex he will be in the theatre practicing for a drama rehearsal with his friend Stacey. He then spots Stacey's bruises and threatens to tell somebody her secret. This is the outfit he will be wearing.

This is the kind of t-shirt he will be wearing. This t-shirt is very casual and the typical geeky kind of rocker look. This represents Alex character really well as he is a geeky and nerdy character that loves the typical rock bands like my chemical romance. He is a very casual and laid back character that doesn't really care about what he is wearing and what he looks like.

These are the kind of trousers that Alex will be wearing. Again these are quite casual jeans that a typical nerdy and geeky teenage boy would wear especially one who loves rock. He loves the colour black as we can see from the two pictures above. He loves to wear black skinny jeans with almost everything. Black however, is a very dark colour which represents the dark and dangerous side to Alex's character.

Alex will be wearing black vans as well as everything else. The black again symbolises Alex's character at the beginning of the thriller he is mysterious.

Film Example - Airheads (1994)

In this film example we see theses typical rockers in black clothing with band t-shirts on. This is the exact representation of our character Alex in our very own thriller. He will be wearing typical clothes like the character's in the film airheads.

Scene 3 - Outside - Following Stacey Home

The next time we see Alex he will be following Stacey home. This is to make sure that she is safe and he is protecting her from her dad. The scene where he is following Stacey home he is wearing the same t-shirt, jeans and shoes however, the difference in this scene is that he will be wearing a hoodie because he is outside.

This is a typical band t-shirt hoodie that he will be wearing in this scene, it is a Marilyn Manson hoodie. Again it is very casual which represents Alex in this film very well. Again the colour of the hoodie is black however, it doesn't have to be black it can be any colour I just think it represents Alex's character really well.

Alex will be wearing a watch as he will be looking at the time from when he sees Stacey walk into her house. He will be sitting for a while before Stacey makes another appearance.

Film Example - The Expelled (2010)

In this film the character is always wearing a hoodie. In the film it creates suspense and tension as no one knows the person underneath that hood. This is the kind of tension and suspense we hope to create with our character Alex in our thriller. We know it is Alex following Stacey home however we want the audience to think "what's going to happen next?"

Scene 4 - School Drama Studio - Kidnapping

Alex will be wearing the same clothes throughout the film as the series of events that happens all happen on the same day. The only thing that changes is the fact that he puts his hoodie on from scene 1 to scene 2. If we did change his clothes from scene 2 to scene 3 it would look strange as there could have been no way that he could have changed clothes so it would be a massive continuity error.

Our Second Character

Stacey - Played by Annie Sutton

Scene 1 - School Drama Studio - Drama Rehearsal

The first time we see Stacey is in the school drama studio when she is rehearsing for a drama performance with her friend Alex. Alex then spots her bruises and threatens to tell somebody. These are the outfits she will be wearing.

These are the kind of jeans Stacey will be wearing in our thriller. Stacey is playing a more popular character in the film. We have portrayed this through her outfits. These jeans are casual but also stylish. This is the reason why we have chosen these for Stacey's character in our thriller.

This is the kind of shirt that Stacey would be wearing in our thriller. Again this is portraying the type of person that Stacey's character is. She is a popular girl who wears all the latest fashion so we feel that this outfit portrays her character really well.

Stacey will wear a jacket. As she is popular and likes to keep up with the trends and the latest fashion she will wear a blazer rather than a jacket. She might not always be wearing a blazer as she might take it off at some points in the film but this is generally what she will be wearing.

Stacey will be wearing converse as they are her favorite shoes. Converse are quite trendy as well so as well as wearing her favorite shoes she is still keeping up with fashion and trends. Converse can be worn with anything.

Film Example - Mean Girls (2004)

The character from mean girls Cady Heron played by Lindsay Lohan is the type of outfit we are going for. As you can see in the picture above Cady is the one standing right at the front of the group which signifies that she is the leader which essentially is what Stacey is in our thriller she is the popular one. The look of Cady is what we are essentially going for.

Scene 2 - Flashback - Stacey cowering from dad

The next time we see Stacey she will be in her house. Her dad will be towering over her as her dad will be going to hit her.

When Stacey is in her house she will change into more casual clothes and therefore will be wearing grey sweat pants. This shows another side to Stacey's character in our thriller and shows she can be quite normal and not really care what she looks like.

She will also be wearing a grey hoodie. This will also be another casual thing she will be wearing along with her sweat pants. This again shows that Stacey has a different and casual side to her personality. She isn't always popular and stuck up.

Film Example - Juno (2007)

In this film the character Juno is quite a laid back and care free character. This is portrayed through the clothes she wears. In this scene she is sitting quite laid back wearing a hoodie and some quite loose fitting jeans. She is being quite casual. This is what we want Stacey to look like when wearing her hoodie and sweat pants.

Scene 3 - Following Stacey Home - Outside

When we see Alex following Stacey home she will be wearing the exact same clothes as she wore in scene 1. This is because when she is walking home she is coming straight from drama rehearsals as Alex scared her off. This is why she will be wearing the same clothes as she does in scene 1.

Scene 4 - School Drama Theater - Kidnapping

In this scene we see that Stacey has kidnapped Alex and has him tied up in the school drama studio. Here is what she will be wearing.

We have decided to go with a black hoodie. This is because black symbolises danger. This is a great portrayal of what is going to happen in this scene. Stacey kidnaps Alex and a black outfit is a stereotypical outfit to use when we don't want you to know who the person is doing the kidnapping.

Again we have decided to go with jeans in the black colour. Again this is because black symbolises danger and this is a great portrayal of what is going to happen in this scene. Stacey kidnaps Alex and a black outfit is a stereotypical outfit to use when we don't want you to know who the person is behind the kidnapping.

We will also be using a white mask. Stacey will be wearing this is the scene as she doesn't want Alex or anyone else to know who she is. She wants it to be an element of surprise when she takes off the mask. In the 2 minutes opening we wont see her take off the mask but we do see her about to take it off and then the scene cuts. It creates a sense of tension and mystery.

We want Stacey's character to be all in black in this scene so we have gone with all black converse.

Film Example - Street Dance (2010)

Film Example - Step Up 2 the Streets (2008)

These 2 films I have used as an example because of the white masks. Even though this film and our film aren't the same genres the masks still have the same meaning. They use these masks to create tension and to create mystery as no one can see their faces. This gets the audience thinking "who are they". This is why I have used these 2 films for examples.

Costume Plot

Below is a table that I made for costumes. It basically says which character will need which costume for each scene. It will also inform the characters as to what they will be wearing throughout the filming of each scene.

In my next post I will also have to do the same as I have done for costume, however, this time it will be for the Location. I will be doing location research.