Friday 4 December 2015

Treatment (Research and Product)

In this post I am going to talk about film treatments. A film treatment is a piece of work typically the step between scene cards and the first draft of a screenplay for a motion picture. It is generally longer and more detailed than an outline and it may include details of directional style that an outline leaves out. Treatments read like a short story but are told in the present tense and describe events as they happen. 

Now I am going to embed the opening of I am Legend so you can compare it to the treatment above. See if you can find any similarities or differences between the treatment and the actual film.

A film treatment should;

  • Have a clear title at the start stating the name of the film. 
  • Includes important dialogue only.
  • When a new character is introduced it needs to be in capital letters, so we can clearly see where the character enters the plot.
  • For short films a treatment is generally laid out as a short story. However, longer films can be up to 60 pages long. 
  • Some include little directions which show how the scene will be portrayed or shown in the film.
This treatment for I am Legend differs from our treatment for our thriller opening because this treatment is much longer than our. Our treatment will be around about 2 pages long as we are only doing the opening.

Below I will embed our own treatment for our own media product. The opening of our thriller "Never Look Back".

My next post will be the script (research and product).