Monday 5 October 2015

Evaluation of Preliminary Task

Maybe you spotted some of the basic rules while watching my preliminary task. I am now going to look back at my preliminary task and evaluate the work that we have done. If there are any continuity errors etc.

The first mistake that I have spotted is at 0:11 seconds. There is a continuity error whereby I was in the reflection of the window when Sarah one of our actors was walking through the door. This was spotted as a continuity error by myself and several of my peers that gave me feedback on my preliminary task.

The second mistake that I have spotted is at 0:17 seconds. There is a continuity error because there is a jump shot in the middle of the preliminary task. This happens when Sarah one of the actors walks through the door and then just jumps straight to a different scene of a close up shot of her face. To fix the continuity error we should have included a match-on-action shot when we were doing the editing of our task and then gone to the close up shot of her face. This would have made the video run much more smoothly and there would have been no continuity error at this time.

The third mistake that we have made is at 0:23 seconds. In this part of our preliminary task we broke the 180 Degree rule. When Sarah walked in she was on the left but at 0:26 when Sarah and Nareece were exchanging their lines of dialogue Sarah was on the right and Nareece was on the left. Therefore, breaking the 180 Degree rule. The camera should always be filming over the same shoulder of each actor. For example, Actor 1 the camera should be filming over the left shoulder and then actor 2 the camera should be filming over the left shoulder.

At the end of the preliminary task when Sarah and Nareece were exchanging their lines of dialogue the film got cut short. This could have been fixed in the editing by making the end of the film slightly longer so it didn't cut off so quickly at the end this would have given the film a little bit more suspense and tension.

My next post will be about UK film distribution.