Wednesday 21 October 2015

Todorov's Narrative Theory

In this post I am going to talk about Todorov's theory. He believed that his theory could be applied to any film. He believed that all film followed the same narrative pattern. They all went through stages called the equilibrium, disruption, recognition, repair and new equilibrium.
Below I have created a power point telling you about Todorov's theory. Hope you enjoy.

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I am now going to give you a real life example of Todorov's theory being used in a film. The film i am going to be talking about is the longest yard.

1. Equilibrium - Paul crewe has an amazing job as he is a pro American football quarterback, he has a wife and lives in a big house.

2. Disruption - He gets drunk at a party that his wife throws and drives out in her car, he crashes the car while in the middle of a police chase and gets arrested for drink driving, he then lands himself in jail.

3. Recognition - He meets a friend in the prison called caretaker and starts to realise what he is missing on the outside and what he has lost.

4. Repair - Paul crewe's friend caretaker dies after being murdered by another prisoner. The warden then asks Paul crewe if he wants to set up a football team in the prison (Prisoners Vs Guards), after some hesitation he agrees. He recruits prisoners to play in the team. They spend everyday on the prison grounds practicing for the big game. Paul crewe playing the quarterback in the team.

5. New Equilibrium - The prisoners play football against the guards and in the end they win. Paul crewe then serves his time in prison like he wanted to do before being let out and sent home to start his life again.

In my next post i am going to be talking about Propp's character theory.